Safe Drainage Solutions at A New Psychiatric Hospital, Sweden


Region Kalmar



Kalmar, Sweden



In 2018 the construction of a new specialist psychiatry started in Kalmar, Sweden. The new construction is directly adjacent to the county hospital. The new building was ready for occupancy in 2022 and is divided into three building blocks of 3-9 floors, with a total area of approximately 25.000 square meters.

The idea behind the design was to contribute to a peaceful and healing environment based on giving the patients a warm and welcoming feeling.

The new psychiatric hospital was awarded with the City of Kalmar’s architecture and urban planning award in 2022.


What The Client Needed

The new psychiatry needed roof drainage for its flat bitumen roof, floor drains and also a solution that was specifically requested so that the nursing staff could dispose of urine samples in a simple and hygienic way.



BLÜCHER dimensioned and designed the stainless steel vacuum system for the roof drainage. Stainless steel roof drains were installed and connected to BLÜCHER’s stainless steel pipe system, BLÜCHER® EuroPipe in various dimensions.

Stainless floor drains with safety screws were installed in the rooms for the patients. In a psychiatric ward it is of great importance that there are no objects that could injure you.

For the staff to avoid pouring the urine samples into a regular sink or a into a toilet, a special solution was developed in stainless, acid-resistant steel. The product has a discharge funnel that functions as an outlet with built-in flushing, welded into a stainless bench. 

When the staff has poured out the urine sample, they just press a button and the residues from the urine sample are flushed out in an efficient and thorough manner.


Result (ROI)

The drainage solution works without complaint and the nursing staff report that they appreciated the solution with the flushing cistern that act as a miniature sink, which means that they do not have to bend over a toilet seat to pour out the remains of a urine sample.

Fredrik Gustafsson at Sandbäcken’s Pipes was Project Manager for the installation of the VS products:

 "BLÜCHER’s products are easy to install and work smoothly."



SWECO, Sandbäckens Rör




Installed Products

Fredrik Gustafsson
Project Manager
SWECO, Sandbäckens rör

BLÜCHER’s products are easy to install and work smoothly.